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Today 2:24 pm
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Sumela » Today, 1:25 pm » wrote: Trumperton crying about the world...everything is unfair to Trumpolumpous.
What separates fair space from balancing outcomes all the time eternally separating details passed, present, arriving next heartbeat of everything with a beating heart. Any thing is possible, some things will never happen, everyone believes life isn't self evident time simply adapting to the moment here.

Faith in a God regardless which language it is called in is a historically practiced social consensus used every generation since dawn of civilization and rule of law punishing anyone not obeying social consensus of the geographical area in this atmosphere.

Democracy protects previous 4 generations from the great great grandchildren not following family traditions cradle to grave. Dictatorships last from a single person directing everyone living same time he or she does regardless which generation gaps they become cradle to grave.

Everyone arrives a great great grandchild until they become 1 of 2 parents or not. only parents can become 1 of 4 grandparents when their offspring become 1 of 2 parents. grandparents only become great grandparents when their grandchildren become 1 of 2 parents.

Tell me how that doesn't explain compounding chromosomes in streaming DNA results living in plain sight to each ancestor with a beating heart and individual brain navigating space uniquely themselves dying to prove their character is larger than living in plain sight using hypothetical scenarios cradle to grave 5 generation gaps living now?
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